Friday, November 22, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 195

Assignment Example Political Advertisements: Political advertisement is a way of the political party to connect to the voters to deliver their political messages. The advertisement is a part of campaigning strategy. It acts as a marketing tool for the party (Foster, 2010). Electoral College: Electoral College consists of group of electors or representatives of the state who elects the president. The significance of such system is that the system brings the cohesion of the country by ensuring that the elected president has distributed popular support and is not selected on the domination of one or two region support (Kimberling, 9-10). Political Ideology: Political ideology is the set of ideas and belief that a group of individual possess regarding the interpretation of social and economic environment around them. It is argued that the members of public are ideological in the sense that they hold logical, coherent, sophisticated attitude. The significance of ideology is the fact that it helps in rationalizing the way things are or whether there is any better option for improving the existing social order (Jost, et al, 307). Public Financed Elections: Public financing is the way of financing campaign where the public provides money and other resources to the favorite and qualified candidates to run their office and election campaign. The significance of public financing is that it reduces the dependence on private sector for funds which thereby reduces the distortions in governmental process and public financing also encourages the qualified candidates to come forward to take part in elections who earlier were prohibited in election campaigns due to lack of funds (Levin). Attentive Public: Attentive public is a small group which is more of a representative of general public and consists of best educated persons who are interested in current political trends and are politically involved. They

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