Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Vaccinating Children At A Young Age Raises Concerns Essay

With all the diseases and virus s spreading throughout our world, the issue of vaccinating children at a young age raises concerns. While some parents choose to vaccinate their children, others allow the human body and the immune system to take control of the situation. Over time, arguments have risen that the chemicals put into vaccinations can have harmful side effects and impacts on the human body if taken incorrectly. There are many similarities and differences seen between the two life style choices such as economic factors, the health benefits of both life choices, and the health risks of the two. All of these factors help families of today s society determine how their children will be raised medically. To begin, both of these ways of life contain health benefits to young children. However, each side benefits in a different way. Vaccinations provide a wealth of benefits for children. Studies show that by not vaccinating at a young age people become more vulnerable to diseases as they grow older. According to The National Foundation for Infectious Disease In the US, vaccine-preventable infections kill more individuals annually than HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, or traffic accidents. Approximately 50,000 adults die each year from vaccine-preventable diseases in the US (NFID, Par. 3) this quote develops the importance of getting vaccines for these serious diseases. While other people could argue that vaccines could potentially have serious side effects, this foundationShow MoreRelatedIs Child Vaccination A Good Idea?1393 Words   |  6 PagesIs Child Vaccination a Good Idea? Today, there are many controversial topics around the world that people cannot seem to agree on. One such topic is whether children should be vaccinated. As babies, we are born with antibodies transferred through our mother’s placenta. These antibodies protect babies from particular diseases. 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[2], creating new conditions for the spread of infectious diseases [3, 4, 5]. The highest incidence rate of 25.5% was described for Vietnamese children in Hong Kong camps where housing was cramped, consisting of large huts that housed approximately 250 refugees on three tier bunk beds [6]. The affected age group from 1 month to 39 years was described in the study and those aged from 5-15 years were the most affected in five of the eight investigations. CLINICAL PROBLEMSRead MoreParents And Public Health Nurses2594 Words   |  11 Pagesto feel confident that they are making the best decision for their child and their health. From the moment a child is born there are vaccines recommended for a baby, infant, toddler and child. Nurses will play a large role in the vaccinations of children as well as educating parents and families about the risks, and benefits in immunizing. Nurses will need to understand their own position on this topic as well as understand parents and families positions. 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