Monday, July 29, 2019

Beginning Of Christianity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Beginning Of Christianity - Research Paper Example ctions and ministries that the disciples themselves initiated as a means to fulfill this grand commission that they had received from Christ during his earthly ministry. Furthermore, the outpouring the Holy Spirit during Pentecost was merely a sign that the earliest beginnings of Christianity and the movement to become fishers of men had initiated as Christ noted during his earthly ministry that just such an occurrence would take place as a means to help spread the gospel message. The earliest history of the church relates how it grew from what could be described as a 1st century Jewish following to an inclusive religion that sought to engage gentiles within the ranks to the very same extent that Christ himself had focused upon the Jews within Israel. As the message was destined for all peoples, the gospel commission exhorted the disciples and fellow believers to engage with diverse peoples the world over and seek to engage them with the New Testament gospel that Christ imparted to the early church. As a function of this, the disciples spread out over various parts of the Middle East, Asia Minor, parts of Africa, and Southern Europe as a means to accomplish such an end. Although Christ spent almost all of his earthly ministry appealing to the Jewish community to accept the Savior that was sent to them, the disciples were charged with expanding upon the converts that they sought and therefore the dawn of Pentecost, the revelation of the Holy Spirit, and the ab ility to speak with different nations with the gift of tongues provided the clear break from the past that helped to define the early church and the beginnings of Christianity. Although the early apostles were themselves invariably ethnically Jewish, the great commission extended outside of the Jewish ethnicity and demanded that these apostles interact with and engage members of diverse groups outside of which they would not otherwise likely have any degree of contact. In this manner, the earliest church

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