Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cheese and Technical Manuals

Sets (Part I) 1. List all the subsets of { 8, 16, 27, 31, 60} { } {8} {16} {27} {31} {60} {8, 16} {8, 27} {8, 31} {8, 60} {16, 27} {16, 31} {16, 60} {27, 31} {27, 60} {31, 60} {8, 16, 27} {8, 16, 31} {8, 16, 60} {8, 27, 31} {8, 27, 60} {8, 31, 60} {16, 27, 31} {16, 27, 60} {16, 31, 60} {27, 31, 60} {8, 16, 27, 31} {8, 16, 27, 60} {8, 16, 31, 60} {8, 27, 31, 60} {16, 27, 31, 60} {8, 16, 27, 31, 60} 2. Determine the number of subsets of {mom, dad, son, daughter} 16 3. At MegaSalad, a salad can be ordered with some, all, or none of the following set of ingredients on top of the salad greens: {ham, turkey, chicken, tomato, feta cheese, cheddar cheese, cucumbers, onions, red peppers, hot peppers }. How many different variations are there for ordering a salad? 1024 4. Let U = {q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z} A = {q, s, u, w, y} B = {q, s, y, z} C = {v, w, x, y, z} Determine A ? (B ? C) A intersect (qwyzvx) = {q,w,y} 5. Use the Venn diagram to list the set of elements in roster form. Find A ? B. {b, e, j, h, n, u} Sets (Part II) Also, for the first SLP I want you to put into practice what you have learned about sets and functions. I want you to create three sets, set A, set B, and set C by going through the items you use at work (or in your field). * Set A will be a list of all of these items. {wrench, technical manuals, computer, cigarettes} * Create Set B, from the items in Set A that you think are essential. {wrench, technical manuals} * Create Set C, by taking the complement of Set B in Set A, i. e. all of the non-essential items. {computer, cigarettes} * Are sets B and C proper subsets of set A? Explain. Sets B and C are proper subsets of set A because each element of B is an element of A but B isn’t equal to A. You are a Motor Sergeant in charge of a motor pool and the responsibility to ensure maintenance is properly being conducted. Your set A could consist of all of the items you use while working {wrench, technical manuals, computer, cigarettes} while set B could consist of items you use outside of the motor pool {computer, cigarettes}. Set C could be items that you need while working on a vehicle {wrench, technical manuals}. Both Set B and C are still considered proper subsets of A because each subset contains at least one element.

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