Monday, June 10, 2019

Cultural communication Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Cultural communication - Coursework ExampleCode of dignity allows self-growth and Joanna accomplished it by breaking her relationship with Ted.Q3. Joanna Kramers taradiddle is similar to whizz of the cases in chapter 4 of Speaking Culturally, the cases of M and K. To which one do you think it is most similar? Explain your answer in one paragraph.Joanna Kramers story is similar to Ms case because there are a number of similarities found in both cases. Both the women are breakd and the divorce is because of their husbands lack of communication. Communication barrier existed between both the married partners of both cases. Both categorize communication as close, supportive and flexible, which is negated by their husbands. According to Joanna Kramer and M, communication is entirely significant for uniqueness and growth of self. Both the women are of the opinion that self-identity is revealed because of personal growth, which is facilitated by communication, which should be close, sup portive and flexible. Each person has a unique position in society and should be allowed to find his/her self in ordinance to reveal his/her uniqueness.Q4. What is it about the story of the scholarship boy that resonates in Richard Rodriguezs life? What are some of the similarities between the life of Richard Hoggart, the scholarship boy, and the life of Richard Rodriguez? How does the fact that Hoggarts report is told in a story form succor Richard Rodriguez identify with Hoggarts story? This should be answered in one paragraph.Richard Rodriguez being associated to Spanish culture by birth, has to make his position in his class after approach to a new culture. He finds similarities in himself and Richard Hoggarts the scholarship boy because they have to go through the same set of circumstances in order to attain the values of the other culture. According to Hoggart, the scholarship

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