Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Racial and Ethnic Groups Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Racial and Ethnic Groups - Assignment ExampleUnder the Jim Crow laws, blacks and whites were non allowed to intermarry it was considered a criminal offense. Canada has a large proportion of indigenous people as compared to other countries worldwide. The need to preserve cultural traditions shapes the strategies established to farm economic development. The number of immigrants in the country increases early. These immigrants maintain the same cultural pattern adopted in attaining economic development. It has been suggested that Brazil is a racial paradise. That is not the case, as the country continues to deal with signifi stooget disparity among people of color. Mexico maintains a mosaic of native indigenous people and mestizos to create a diversified community (Schaefer, 2001). Segments of the macrocosm that feel ignored and disadvantaged are encouraged to participate in public and civic activities. The apartheid era in South Africa indicates how race can be used to suppress mi llions of people. The post-apartheid era is denoted by the continuous reconciliation of the different ethnic and racial groups. Reconciliation is fundamental for these groups, which are facing issues involving education, land, wellness and public safety. Slave condescension in both Brazil and the United States began in the 17th and 18th centuries. Slavery was central to the colonial economy. Slave trade was brought about by the need for laborers to assist in building economic foundations. In Brazil, slaves were required to work in the mining and sugar cane sectors. In the United States, slaves worked in the cotton fields (Schaefer, 2001). Captives from Africa were transported through the Atlantic Ocean to the United States and Brazil. The main point of departure of the slave trade in these dickens countries is the slave death rate. In Brazil, the slave death rate was higher than that in the United States. Colonialists in Brazil could not sustain the slave population without import ing more captives from Africa.

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